A “NUMBER of drivers” have been warned about speeding on North Berwick’s Haddington Road, according to a Police Scotland report for the town shared with North Berwick Community Council this month.

Between January 1 and 30, there were 80 calls from the area, resulting in the police recording 16 crimes.

Two were relating to protecting the most vulnerable: one offence against a person and one miscellaneous.

Nine were under reducing violence and anti-social behaviour: one communications, four vandalism, one assault, one threatening and abusive behaviour, one culpable and reckless conduct, and one drunk and incapable.

READ MORE: Anger at lack of detail on report into crimes in North Berwick

Four related to reducing acquisitive crime: one theft by shoplifting, one theft, one fraud and one hare coursing.

There was also one incident of possession of drugs, under tackling serious and organised crime.

Despite the driver warnings, there were no crimes reported under improving road safety.

There had been only one youth anti-social behaviour call received by the police in the previous four weeks.

Following last month’s North Berwick Coastal Community and Police Partnership (CAPP) meeting, speeding on Haddington Road was agreed as a priority.