CONCERNS have been raised about a lack of detail in police reports submitted to North Berwick Community Council.

At the group’s January meeting, member Peter Hamilton described the report – which details the number of crimes recorded in North Berwick compared to the number of calls made to police from the area – as “pathetic” and a “waste of time”.

He said: “We are not asking for much; we just want to know more about the crimes recorded.”

Members said that previous reports had gone into more detail about when and where crimes had been recorded.

Kathryn Smith, secretary, said: “We have raised this before and this is the way they do the reports now. I do not think there is much more we can do.”

Community council vice-chair Judy Lockhart-Hunter said that she believed details included in reports had been stripped back to avoid the possible identification of those arrested.

The vice-chairman added that she believed inviting police to attend community council meetings would be beneficial.

She said: “I think we should ask them to come quarterly; police used to attend meetings in the past.

“Now I wouldn’t know who PC Natalie Dalziel [the town’s community policing officer] is.”