A MUSSELBURGH resident who attacked another man while armed with two knives has been jailed.

Ross McLeod ran out from a house at Davids Way in Haddington to confront Ben Cymber during the incident in September 20 last year.

McLeod, 27, struck Mr Cymber with the blades, leaving him with an injury, before running off from the scene.

Police were called to deal with the incident and, after locating the attacker, the officers were forced to give chase after McLeod sprinted away from them.

When he was eventually apprehended, McLeod then assaulted PC Alan Clark by spitting blood at him.

McLeod, c/o HMP Edinburgh, pleaded guilty to the assault when he appeared from custody at Edinburgh Sheriff Court earlier this month.

READ MORERoss McLeod spat blood at police officer in Haddington

Co-accused Zach Baker, 24, of Stoneybank Terrace, Musselburgh, had his not guilty pleas to assaulting Mr Cymber accepted by the Crown.

Sentence on McLeod had been deferred to last Tuesday and he appeared in front of Sheriff Alistair Noble from custody.

The court was told that McLeod had committed the assault on Mr Cymber last September while awaiting sentence on a High Court matter after he had been found guilty of two assaults.

The trial took place in August and he was sentenced to 15 months in custody in October last year. McLeod was also handed a seven-month supervised release order which will see him be monitored following his release.

Last Tuesday, solicitor Angela Craig told the court: “He is a quite a quiet young man and does not have a significant record.

“During his time in custody, he has had time to reflect on his previous inmaturities.

“It’s not lost on my client this is a serious offence. He recognises the gravity of these offences.”

Sheriff Noble said: “You have a comparatively short record but offences of violence do feature on it.”

The sheriff said that he acknowledged McLeod had carried out the knife attack in Haddington after being convicted at the High Court and while awaiting sentence for those offences.

The sheriff added: “These offences in front of me clearly merit custody.”

McLeod was jailed on both assaults for a total of 17 months, to run consecutively to his existing custodial term.