TWO county men have brought a popular South-East Asian sport to East Lothian.

Friends Charles Cameron and Scott Hendry have set up Black Diamond Thai Boxing Club at the Bronx Boxing Gym in Tranent after years training with the Scottish Muay Thai Council and at gyms in Edinburgh.

The duo opened at the gym in January and provide two training sessions a week, with the hope of going up to three days a week.

The venture has been helped by Haddington’s Hendry, who owns Black Diamond, travelling to Thailand about four years ago to learn more about the sport.

Speaking to Courier Sport, Cameron, from Tranent, said: “Me and Scott trained together for years at another club. Scott was training at another club before he went across to Thailand and learned the sport.

“It is going really well so far. At the start we gave everyone who came to do it one month free. Now if you come along you get one week free training.

“Maybe someone is scared or shy or doesn’t know about the sport. If you do enjoy it, feel free to come back.” He added: “It is a growing sport, especially down south. To be honest the problem is it scares people because no one knows what it’s about.

“If you were to come along and meet me and Scott you wouldn’t stop laughing, we’re the friendliest people you’d ever meet.” The combat sport originated from Thailand and takes place in a boxing ring, but for the duo it is more than just about fighting.

“People call it the art of eight limbs,” explained Cameron. “You use fists, elbows, knees and shins. You can strike to the head, torso and legs.

“It’s a complete stand-up, face-to-face fight. It doesn’t go to ground.

“In my eyes, Muay Thai gives people some self-confidence and self-respect. When I was at school I was short and got pushed around a lot. I went to karate and didn’t like it.

“I got in to Muay Thai and it taught me discipline and made me grow up a bit. It teaches respect for others.

“For kids it will teach them and help them grow up; you come in two foot small and leave two foot high.

“You’re working muscles you never knew you had. Some guys are there to get fitter, others are to lose weight.” The duo hope to bring a third class, primarily for youngsters, to the gym on Sundays in a few weeks’ time.

“We are not really looking to benefit from it,” added Cameron.

“It is a sport me and Scott love. We want to keep it fresh and different. The only thing we want to happen is for it to be a successful club and have a good reputation.

“We will hopefully get our own building one day.” Classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday, 7.30-9pm. For those interested in taking part, either contact the club via its Facebook page or pop into the gym on a Tuesday or Thursday.