Strike action by LNER train drivers has been called off, according to sources speaking with PA News Agency.

Earlier this month, train drivers with the Aself union announced that drivers would stage five days of strike action from February 5.

The drivers also said they would refuse to work any non-contractual overtime from February 7 to February 10.

Aslef reportedly calls off LNER train driver strike 

Speaking of the previously announced strike action, Mick Whelan, general secretary of Aslef, said: "We have given LNER management - and their government counterparts who hold the purse strings - every opportunity to come to the table and they have so far made no realistic offer to our members.

"We have not heard from the Transport Secretary since December 2022, or from the train operating companies since April 2023.

"It's time for them to come to the table and work with us to resolve this dispute so we can all move forward and get our railway back on track."

Mr Whelan added: “We have given the Government every opportunity to come to the table but it has now been a year since we had any contact from the Department for Transport. It’s clear they do not want to resolve this dispute.

“Many of our members have not had a single penny increase to their pay for half a decade, during which time inflation has soared and, with it, the cost of living.

“The Tory government has now tried its old trick of changing the rules. When they couldn’t win they brought in minimum service levels legislation.

“But this new law, as we told officials during the consultation period, won’t ease industrial strife. It will just make it worse.

“There is, frankly, no excuse for this nonsense. The Government and train operating companies (TOCs) should come to the table with a realistic offer so we can end this dispute and work together to ensure the future of our railways.”

Aslef and the LNER have been approached for comment by PA.