A COUNTY woman has appeared in court for the third time in three weeks to admit to separate offences.

Jaclyn Reynolds was back in the dock at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Tuesday and pleaded guilty to assaulting an employee of the Card Factory at High Street in Musselburgh.

Reynolds, 44, repeatedly spat on worker Louise Manders during an unsavoury incident at the shop on December 7, 2023.

The police were called and Reynolds resisted arrest from two constables by pulling her arms, flailing her body, kicking out with her legs and removing her hands from handcuffs.

The court was told the serial offender is currently under the conditions of two community payback orders for previous offending and Sheriff Charles Gill agreed to defer sentence to August for Reynolds to be of good behaviour and comply with the current orders.

Reynolds, currently of Old Course Gate, Musselburgh, has been in court in the past three weeks for separate offences including shoplifting at a Musselburgh store and an offence at HMP Edinburgh.