WE TAKE a look at the stories making headlines in East Lothian 25, 50 and 100 years ago.

25 years ago

‘CHILDREN rushed to hospital after drinking binge’ was the front page headline in the East Lothian Courier on June 4, 1999.

Two 12-year-old boys from North Berwick were rushed to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, last week after drinking more than a litre and a half of vodka between them.

And on Saturday afternoon, another boy, aged 12, was found unconscious on a pavement in the town centre after a drinking session.

He, too, was taken to the children’s city hospital.

All three boys had their stomachs pumped.

Now, amid fears of a tragedy, local police aim to send letters to parents of all youngsters in North Berwick, aged from 12 to 18, urging vigilance.

Given that in last week’s incident the vodka was taken from the garage of one boy’s home, they are asking parents to keep a sharp eye on alcohol supplies in their own home.


...and 50 years ago

Police make appeal after they believe someone is “shielding” girl’s attacker, reported the East Lothian Courier on June 7, 1974.

Police investigating the brutal attack in which a 26-year-old Haddington librarian received serious head injuries now believe that someone may know the identity of her attacker and may be shielding him.

Inquiries equivalent to a full-scale murder hunt were sparked off at the weekend when the librarian in charge of the Haddington branch – Miss Jessie McLeod – was found lying in a pool of blood in the close leading to her flat at 35 Market Street. It is believed she had been struck with a blunt instrument.

She had been on an outing in St Andrews with East Lothian Literary Society and was attacked at 1am on Saturday as she was entering her home, having left the bus near the Post Office on Court Street.

...and 100 years ago

THE opening of Castlepark Bowling Club, in Prestonpans, was celebrated in the Haddingtonshire Courier on June 6, 1924.

The new bowling green, which has been laid out by Prestonpans Co-operative Society, within the beautiful grounds of Castlepark, was opened on Saturday afternoon.

Although the weather was rather unfavourable, a large presence was in attendance when Mr Charles M’Leod, J.P., president of the Society, formally handed the green to Mr John Finlay, Preston, general manager of the Edinburgh Collieries Co., the president of the newly formed Castlepark Bowling Club.

The secretary is Mr T. G. Young, J.P., The Schoolhouse, Prestonpans, and the treasurer Mr Joseph Marr, Beach House, Prestonpans. After the acceptance by the president, Mrs Finlay threw the first jack, after which an opening game took place. Delightful music was discoursed by Prestongrange silver band and Prestonlinks silver band.

The green, it may be added, is an experiment in green construction, having been grown with special seed about two years ago, and now presents a favourable appearance to the eye.

The green is not only for the benefit of members, but also for those who may desire to join the club. Mr M’Leod explained how the club had been initiated.

There had been former bowling clubs in the town, two at least of which had fallen on evil days, but he hoped that this new, full-sized green of six rinks would be fully taken advantage of, and a successful club resurrected in Prestonpans.