THE long-standing SNP General Election candidate for Lothian East has stood down - seven months after he was chosen and just weeks before the poll.

In October, the party announced that Iain Whyte would contest the newly renamed East Lothian seat following hustings in North Berwick and Tranent.

Mr Whyte is a former Musselburgh Grammar School pupil who lives in Prestonpans and stood as an SNP candidate for the local council elections in 2022.

However, with the election less than six weeks away, he has been replaced by East Lothian councillor Lyn Jardine and his social media accounts as the SNP candidate shut down.

East Lothian MSP Paul McLennan (SNP) told the Courier: "Iain stood down due to health issues that he has been dealing with. The unexpected calling of the election made the decision for him in terms of his health. I wish him a speedy recovery ."

And on the party's new candidate, he said: "Lyn will make an excellent MP; she understands the county as SNP Council Group Leader and has a wide range of knowledge."

Ms Jardine, who represents the Dunbar and East Linton ward, is the leader of the opposition on East Lothian Council. Her X/Twitter account confirms her candidacy.

READ MORE: General Election 2024 in East Lothian: What do I need to know?

She posted: "Politicians can get a bad rap. We all come to our purpose in different ways.

"With the calling of snap election, that encouragement included my family – despite the challenges we face if Westminster ends up as my workplace.

"I am excited to share that I am confirmed as Parliamentary Candidate for the General Election for Lothian East."

And she added: "I’ve come to mine through a working life and volunteering that serves others. I’ve consistently been encouraged by others to stand for office."

Sitting MP Kenny MacAskill has already confirmed he is not standing in Lothian East and instead will be representing Alba in the Alloa & Grangemouth constituency.

Already confirmed for the Lothian East constituency are Douglas Alexander (Labour), Robert Davies (Reform UK), George Kerevan (Alba) and Shona McIntosh (Scottish Greens).