PENCAITLAND Community Council is seeking information on anti-social youths.

The group was approached by a resident at its last meeting who detailed an incident involving youths allegedly acting irresponsibly.

The group says it believes that many incidents are not being reported to police and it is seeking to “fill in the gaps”, including finding out whether those involved were local or had travelled to the village by bus.

A spokesperson for the group said: “We are trying to gather local information on any incidents over the last year or more involving any groups of youths that were causing a nuisance or upset to local residents.

“At the last community council meeting, a local resident came along to report a most recent incident and we learned from East Lothian Council councillors that these reports are not unusual and are being reported all over the county.

“In theory, every incident should be reported to the police and an incident number generated. However, in practice we suspect a lot of these never get to that stage (but should be reported anyway to give us accurate data).

“So we’re trying to fill in the gaps and get a better understanding of what’s happening locally.

“Without naming names, we want to know if those involved were known locally or had travelled into the area using the local bus service.

“This is not about pinpointing and persecuting any particular individual or group of people, but we really need a fuller picture of how frequent and widespread incidents are in order to gauge the scale of the problem.

“You can email anything you do not want to post publicly to

“Otherwise, please respond on Facebook.”