ANOTHER seven groups have benefited from funding from Inch Cape Offshore Ltd’s construction fund.

The fund, which will see £45,000 distributed to community groups over the next 12 months, has already donated more than £22,000 to groups in the Prestonpans and Cockenzie and Port Seton areas.

The fund aims to tackle the effects of poverty and inequality, such as isolation, ill health and access to services, and support initiatives to improve the local environment.

Inch Cape is currently building an offshore wind farm off the coast of Angus in the North Sea – the power it generates will come ashore at a substation built on part of the former Cockenzie Power Station site.

Last month, the group announced that eight groups had received a share of £13,300.

Now, a further seven groups have benefited from a further 9,318 of funding.

Preston Lodge Learning Foundation received £2,000 to contribute towards the cost of replacing essential equipment used for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme within Preston Lodge High School, while Heavy Sound CIC was awarded £1,000 to help with the cost of supporting 26 children with therapeutic one-to-one sessions and group work supporting improved mental health and coping strategies.

Other beneficiaries include Prestonpans Community Council, to support planting; Women’s Aid East & Midlothian; and Preston Lodge High School Pipe Band.

Applications can be made at

Groups and organisations working to benefit people resident in the Prestonpans or Cockenzie and Port Seton Community Council areas can apply.

Applications from groups or organisations located outwith the fund area will only be considered if the project they are proposing demonstrates links with local groups or organisations, and demonstrates clear benefits for residents within the fund area.