A GENEROUS schoolgirl is getting ready to boost two charities by saying goodbye to her long locks.

As much as 12 inches of Ellie Gay’s hair will be cut, with the hair set to be donated to The Little Princess Trust and sponsorship money going to Macmillan Cancer Support.

The youngster, who lives in Musselburgh with her mum Lindsey, her dad Jerry and little brother Thomas, will have her hair cut on Saturday in Midlothian.

Her mum said: “Ellie has been growing her hair a really long time.

“It is about waist length and a bone of contention in the family – complaining about tying it up, pleating it or getting it out of her road.

“We made a deal – myself and her dad only got married in March, she kept her hair long until the wedding and she could get it cut afterwards.

“I said lots of people with natural hair when they cut it, they donate it to The Little Princess Trust, who do wigs for kids with cancer.

“She found it incredibly sad and was completely on board straight away.”

Formed in 2005, The Little Princess Trust provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to the age of 24 who have lost their own hair through cancer treatments or other conditions. At the same time, it also funds childhood cancer research, searching to find kinder and more effective treatments.

Nine-year-old Ellie is also raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support, which supports people through treatment and help with money.

The youngster, who is in P5 at the town’s Loretto RC Primary School, has smashed her initial fundraising target of £200.

Her mum, who works as an office administrator, told the Courier that the target had then been raised to £300 but she has now raised more than £500 for the good causes.

Lindsey has mixed feelings about her little girl’s upcoming change of hairstyle but added: “Of course, I am devastated she is cutting it but I am immensely proud of the caring young woman she is turning into.”

Go to justgiving.com/page/lindsey-mcginn-1713902146226 to make a donation.