A COUNTY man who attempted to bite a police inspector while being arrested at a dance festival in Edinburgh has been fined.

Liam Allison was attending the EH1 event at the Royal Highland Centre at Ingliston when he came to the attention of police due to his behaviour.

Allison was suspected of being under the influence of drugs and, while being spoken to, he became aggressive towards the officers.

The 33-year-old, a plumber to trade, had to be restrained on the ground, where he began to kick out at the officers.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told that Allison, of Deantown Drive, Whitecraig, then attempted to bite a police inspector during the incident at about 10.30pm on September 23 last year.

READ MORELiam Allison caused disturbance at Royal Highland Centre

Lawyer Matthew Nicholson, representing Allison, told the court that his client had “no recollection” of the events and, though he had been drinking alcohol, he believed he had ingested “an unknown substance”.

Mr Nicholson said that the next memory his client had was waking up in a police cell after he had been taken to Livingston Police Station.

Sheriff John Cook fined Allison £420.

Allison pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, shouting, swearing and refusing to leave the premises when requested to do so at the Royal Highland Centre, as well as obstructing two police constables during an arrest procedure by kicking out his legs and attempting to bite an officer.