A SERIAL rapist who terrified one of his victims after entering her home wearing a ski mask just days after he was freed on bail was jailed today.

Gary Yuill woke the sleeping woman and questioned her before she made a plea for help in a 999 call to emergency services

The High Court in Edinburgh heard that the woman had fallen asleep on a sofa at her home in an East Lothian village and awoke to be confronted by the masked intruder.

She said: "I opened my eyes and he was basically nose to nose with me. He had his ski mask and also had gloves on."

The woman said that she asked him what he was doing and repeatedly asked him to leave but Yuill began quizzing her about someone being in the house earlier.

She said that a friend did visit her earlier and added: "He was obviously watching the house. I was terrified."

'I was scared'

She was asked if there was any indication as to whether Yuill was drunk at the time and replied: "It wasn't something that was on my mind whether he was sober or not sober. I was scared.

"He had his hand on my leg. I didn't know what he was thinking."

She said during a call to emergency services that Yuill was standing over her and wearing a balaclava as she made a plea: "You need to get here fast."

She told the court that Yuill did remove the mask he was wearing before leaving her home.

The woman told the court that she knew he had previously been arrested and was subject to conditions not to come near her home and added: "Clearly he has no regard for the law."

She said that Yuill previously repeatedly assaulted he and subjected her to rapes.

She told the court: "He would say horrible, disgusting things. He was paranoid. He was constantly accusing me of cheating all the time."

"He would pin me against the wall, screaming in my face. He would slap me, punch me, knock me to the ground."

Yuill claimed that, during the incident at the woman's home when he was on bail: "I was just confused. I just wanted to speak to her to see what was going on."

Nine rapes

Yuill, 44, of Drummohr Avenue, Wallyford, had denied assaulting and raping the victim and three other women during a catalogue of brutality and depravity that spanned 17 years.

He was found guilty of a total of 21 charges that began in January 2004 and continued until May 2021, with attacks on women occurring in Haddington, Wallyford and Edinburgh. He was convicted of a total of nine rapes.

The masked intrusion to the sleeping woman's home occurred on May 22, 2021 – three days after he was granted bail at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

His bail conditions at the time included a ban on him entering the street where the woman lived and approaching or contacting or attempting to approach or contact her.

He was convicted of breaching the bail and acting in a threatening or abusive manner at her home.

A judge told Yuill at the end of the trial: "By the verdict of the jury, you have been convicted of 21 charges, including many serious charges of rape and indecent assault."

Lady Wise said that she would call for a background report on him with a risk assessment ahead of sentencing next month.

Yuill was remanded in custody and placed on the sex offenders' register.