A MUSSELBURGH man will return to court next month for sentencing after he admitted carrying out a course of abusive behaviour towards his partner.

The domestic abuse committed over a two-week period included Callum Mooney threatening to disclose intimate pictures and videos of the woman that he held on his phone.

Mooney also uttered abusive remarks towards her and on one occasion he seized hold of the woman and pulled her from a sofa onto the floor. The 30-year-old was also said to have grabbed the woman on a second occasion and pulled her from a toilet, all to her injury.

The abusive behaviour was carried out at an address at Eskmills Road in Musselburgh between April 14 and 27, 2022.

Mooney pleaded guilty to engaging in a course of conduct that was abusive of his partner when he appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Wednesday.

He also admitted to a charge of possessing a quantity of cannabis at his home address on April 27, 2022.

Sheriff Martin Edington deferred sentence for social work reports to be prepared on Mooney, of Eskview Crescent, to next month.