A WEST Barns resident has been banned from driving after he was caught over the drink-drive limit on two occasions.

Steven Kelly, of Stenton Road, was first stopped by police officers near his home and found to have 65mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath on May 23 last year, nearly three times the limit.

The 55-year-old was then stopped for a second time by police at Spott Road in Dunbar on August 27 last year.

On that occasion, Kelly was nearly four times the limit and had 86mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 22mg.

Kelly pleaded guilty to both offences at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Wednesday. He represented himself and told the court that his licence had been revoked by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) on medical grounds.

Sheriff Gillian Sharp handed out an interim driving ban and deferred sentence for social work reports to next month.