DISUSED buildings in Musselburgh and Wallyford, which are “no longer required” by East Lothian Council, will be made available for alternative use in the future.

Wallyford Community Centre, which has been replaced by new facilities at the Wallyford Learning Campus, is currently being advertised for sale.

The council must carry out some remedial works to the former Stoneyhill Community Centre, which has not been used as a community centre for “a number of years”, and office/retail premises at 118 New Street, both Musselburgh.

Following completion of these works, each property will be advertised for sale or lease.

The council, which is looking to make millions of pounds’ worth of savings, is encouraging interested parties to get in contact.

A spokesperson said: “The council is keen to explore whether there is community interest in purchasing or being involved in the future running of the buildings.”

Justin Hynd, chair of Wallyford Community Council, said: “Wallyford Community Centre on Albert Place was an integral part of community life. It was well-used and well-loved by all, and it would be fantastic if the building could remain as a space available for community use.

“We do of course appreciate the difficult position East Lothian Council find themselves in, especially with budget constraints and rising costs, but if priority consideration could be given to any bids that would look for the building to continue to be used as a public accessible place, it would definitely be of major benefit to the village, especially when you consider a significant number of users were older and can struggle to get to the new facility.”

Musselburgh & Inveresk Community Council said: “Stoneyhill Community Centre was well-loved in the community and is part of the town’s history.

“It is a sad day. If it has to be sold or leased, we want the money from that pumped back into carrying out repairs to the Brunton Hall, parts of which are closed and need to be reopened as a matter of priority.”

A spokesperson for Musselburgh Conservation Society said that the two properties in Musselburgh were owned by the Musselburgh Common Good Fund.

They argued: “It should be for the trustees of the Common Good Fund, rather than East Lothian Council as a whole, to decide what is to be done with these buildings. It is usually a mistake to sell off community assets in order just to ‘make savings’.

“Stoneyhill Community Centre is well suited to conversion/replacement by affordable or socially sup ported housing units, and for this purpose the properties should certainly remain part of the Common Good Fund assets, rather than being sold off to private owners.”

All interested parties, including community groups, should note interest by emailing estates@eastlothian.gov.uk