A COUNTY man who struck a man on the head with a container during an incident in a pub has been told that he must wear an electronic tag and stay within his home between 7pm and 7am each night for the next four months.

John Haston was sentenced to the restriction of liberty order as punishment for assaulting a man during the incident at The Golf Tavern pub on Bridge Street in Haddington.

Haston also left a woman with a serious head injury after he caused her to fall to the ground where she struck her head on the ground during the same incident, which took place on August 22, 2022.

The 61-year-old pleaded guilty to the two offences during an appearance at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on January 9.

He was back in the dock for sentencing last Thursday.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron sentenced Haston, of the town’s Carlyle Gardens, to the four-month electronic monitoring order as punishment for the assault.