A MUSSELBURGH man who was found guilty of shouting offensive remarks and threats in the town has been placed on a community payback order.

Thomas Fleming stood trial at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on November 1 last year after denying that he committed the offence.

But following the evidence, he was found guilty by Sheriff Gillian Sharp and sentence was deferred for social work reports.

The 52-year-old was back in the dock for sentencing on Monday, where the sheriff was told that the report was deemed “reasonably positive” by lawyer Sandra Walker.

Ms Walker said that “alcohol problems” had been identified and that Fleming, of Old Course Gate, was keen to engage with local substance organisation MELD.

Sheriff Sharp placed Fleming on a nine-month supervision order and said he must engage with the social work substance misuse team.

Fleming was found guilty of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by repeatedly shouting, repeatedly uttering offensive remarks and repeatedly uttering threats at North High Street, Musselburgh, on April 3 last year.