A MOTORIST was caught driving his vehicle while over the legal limit allowed for having a Class B drug in his system.

Lewis Voy, 22, was found to have 2.9mg of cannabis in 100ml of blood when he was tested by police officers after being stopped at High Street in Musselburgh last March.

Voy was pulled over after officers spotted him failing to comply with a keep left road sign at the town’s Linkfield Road.

The driver was also found to be supplying others with the drug following a search of the vehicle.

Voy, of Bellfield Court, Campie Road, Musselburgh, admitted the three offences by letter at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last November and he was banned from the road in the interim.

Sheriff Matthew Auchincloss then deferred full sentence for his personal appearance.

Voy appeared at the Capital court in front of Sheriff Christopher Dickson last Monday, where he was banned from driving for 12 months.

He was also placed on a community payback order where he will have to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work in the community as a direct alternative to custody.

Sheriff Dickson admonished Voy on the charge of failing to comply with the road signal.

Voy admitted to driving a vehicle while over the limit for cannabis, failing to comply with a road signal and supplying the Class B drug to others, all in various locations in Musselburgh on March 24 last year.