A PRESTONPANS man has been told to stay out of trouble for the next six months after he admitted breaching a court bail curfew on four occasions.

James Hastie was granted bail at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on August 28 last year on a separate matter with the condition he stay within his home address between the hours of 7pm and 7am each night.

Hastie failed to comply with the strict court conditions when he failed to answer his front door to police officers at the town’s Moodie Wynd on September 5, 14 and 26 last year.

The 39-year-old also breached the order by not answering his door to officers on October 8.

He appeared back in the dock at the Capital court last Monday, where he admitted the four breaches.

He also had not guilty pleas accepted to four similar offences which were alleged to have taken place on October 9, 11 and twice on the 17.

Sheriff John Cook deferred sentence for Hastie to be of good behaviour to July this year.