A CHANCE to find out about job opportunities across health and social care services is being offered this weekend.

A careers fair takes place at Haddington’s East Lothian Community Hospital from 9am to 1pm on Saturday.

The free event, which is organised by East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP), is open to anyone who is looking for full-time or part-time employment, a career change, thinking of returning to work, or simply interested in finding out about the different roles and career options.

Attendees can meet with each of East Lothian’s multi-disciplinary teams, including care at home, social work, care homes, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, learning disabilities, mental health, community teams, as well as a diverse range of nursing teams based in the community, hospitals, GP practices and further afield.

Also on hand will be members of support services teams, including facilities, administration, human resources, finance, planning and performance teams.

Fiona Wilson, chief officer of ELHSCP, encouraged people to head along.

She said: “Our people are our greatest asset.

“We’re caring, compassionate, and together we work as one integrated team, to deliver the best health, best care and best value for East Lothian residents, providing support, advice and access to services to ensure everyone can live their lives to their fullest potential.

“The careers fair is a unique opportunity to speak to our teams face-to-face to find out what it’s really like to work in health and social care.”