NORTH Berwick residents are being asked their views to help shape the future of the town.

The Local Place Plan, which will be submitted to East Lothian Council, will help form the council’s next Local Development Plan (LDP) for the town, setting out policies and proposals to guide development.

A survey to help form the plan has been written by North Berwick Community Council, North Berwick Trust, North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust, North Berwick Youth Project and North Berwick Harbour Trust.

Leaflets are being delivered to every home in the town, with a form asking residents three questions: what do you like about living in North Berwick?; what do you dislike about living in North Berwick?; and, to change North Berwick for the better, what do we need to work on together, and how?

Residents are invited to consider what they would like to see in the town in the future, such as developing local facilities, supporting local businesses or encouraging sustainable living.

Completed forms can be returned to the community centre, the library, or So&Co on High Street.

Submissions can also be made online at

Submissions must be completed by midnight next Sunday (February 11), and the results will help to form the local authority’s Local Development Plan in May.

'Vital people give us their views'

Kenny Miller, chairman of North Berwick Community Council, told the Courier: “We are very pleased with the response we have got so far from residents.

“It is vital that people give us their views, which we will then hand on to the council.

“This will help paint a picture of what the community wants to see in North Berwick and will hopefully be taken into consideration by the council.”

Mr Miller added: “There is no guarantee that the council will take on board all the views.

“We can only hope that our submission is analysed and taken into account.

“It would be a real shame if it weren’t.”

More information on the plan can be found by emailing the steering group at or by calling 07970 735035.