A HADDINGTON man has been sentenced to pay a fine after he behaved aggressively and demanded entry to a home in the town.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told that a woman overheard “a disturbance” outside her property in the common stair at The Granary, Newton Port, Haddington.

Fiscal depute Mark Keane said that the woman opened the door and found the accused Keith Waddell sitting down and that he had “demanded entry” to the home.

Mr Keane told the court that the woman told Waddell, of the town’s High Street, to leave but he refused and he proceeded to shout and swear at her.

The court heard that the 42-year-old offender then kicked the door a couple of times before leaving the area on June 9 last year.

Lawyer Matthew Nicolson, representing Waddell, said that his client had been drinking alcohol and had been inside the property prior to the offence.

Mr Nicolson said that the disturbance took place after Waddell had left the home but had forgotten his keys and could not get back in.

Sheriff Julius Komorowski said that he found the offence “troubling and concerning” but acknowledged his criminal record contained “nothing analogous”.

Sheriff Komorowski ordered Waddell to pay a fine of £170 to mark the offence.