AN ORMISTON man has been told he cannot approach or contact three people for the next 12 months after he admitted to sending abusive text messages to a family.

Jordan Davidson sent the messages, along with abusive voicemails that contained threats of violence, towards Joseph Lane and Julie Lane in July 2022.

Davidson, of the village’s Park Road, also threatened members of Mr Lane’s family during his abusive course of behaviour.

He appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last November to admit two offences committed between July 6 and 8, 2022.

He also had not guilty pleas accepted by the Crown to two further offences of uttering threats of violence towards Emma Laird and to acting in a threatening manner at his home on August 10, 2022.

Davidson, 32, was back in the dock for sentencing in front of Sheriff Douglas Keir last Monday, where he was placed under the supervision of the social work department for 12 months.

The sheriff issued Davidson with a conduct requirement where he will have to attend substance misuse counselling when directed to do so by his supervising officer.

Sheriff Keir also placed a non-harassment order on Davidson where is banned from contacting Mr Lane, Ms Lane and Ms Laird for the next 12 months.