CONSIDERATION could be given to extending the parade during the marking of Remembrance Day in Haddington.

Currently, the parade sets off from outside the town’s Corn Exchange before making its way to St Mary’s Parish Church.

Following a service, the group then returns to Court Street and outside the Corn Exchange.

However, community councillor Falko Burkert noted the existence of Ferguson Monument, in Memorial Park at the corner of Station Road, Knox Place, Court Street and Hope Park.

Previously, 130 metal thistles – recognising each name on the town’s war memorial – were placed at the monument.

He asked: “Can the parade end there?”

Therese Laing, chairwoman of the community council, said that the idea had been suggested previously and could be explored again.

She also thanked everyone who attended last year’s event.

She said: “A huge thank you to those who walked in the parade or helped to marshall it.

“I have had lots of feedback from people saying it felt like a real community event.

“We had a lot more than usual and I would like to thank the Knox pupils who helped with the coffee afterwards.”