OPPORTUNITIES and a career in childminding will be discussed at a special drop-in event next week.

East Lothian Council and partners are teaming up to hold the session in Dunbar’s Bleachingfield Centre.

As well as offering information on training and qualifications, people can find out how to set up their own business and what support is on offer.

Councillor John McMillan, cabinet spokesperson for economic development, said: “East Lothian has a growing population and the provision of quality childcare is an important element of the overall East Lothian offer, making it an attractive place in which to live, study and work.

“Come along and meet representatives from East Lothian Council’s Economic Development Business Gateway, East Lothian Works and Early Years Teams, who can help you to get started on your childminding journey.”

The drop-in event takes place on Wednesday from 9.45am to noon. Anyone who cannot attend but would like information can call 01620 827870.