A COUNTY man shouted and swore at his partner before causing damage to the windscreen of her car while she was driving.

Lewis Whitson behaved in a threatening or abusive manner towards the woman and uttered threats of violence towards her within the vehicle at Ormiston Road, Tranent, in December 2022.

Whitson, 23, was arrested and charged after the matter was reported to police and he appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in January last year.

Whitson was released on bail following a not guilty plea with the conditions he stay away from his partner and not enter the street where she lived in Prestonpans.

But he went on to breach the strict court bail conditions by contacting the woman on May 28 last year.

During the incident last May, he also threatened to smash a laptop belonging to the woman and struck an aerosol can with his hand, causing it to be propelled across the room at her home.

He was also said to have smashed a quantity of drinking glasses and he was subsequently arrested for a second time.

Whitson, of Moffat Road, Ormiston, pleaded guilty to all the charges when he appeared at the city centre court last year and he was due to return to the dock for sentencing on Monday.

But the court was told that the previously called-for social work reports were still to be prepared.

Sheriff Derek O’Carroll agreed to defer sentence for a second time until next month for the reports to be completed.