A HADDINGTON resident struck another man on the head with a container during a violent incident in a town pub.

John Haston also left a woman with a serious head injury during the fight after he caused her to fall, striking her head on the ground.

Haston, 61, became involved in the violent altercation with Michael Laing at The Golf Tavern, Bridge Street, in August 2022.

During the fight, where Haston was said to have conducted himself in a disorderly manner, he caused Elizabeth Laing to fall to the ground.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told that the woman struck her head on the ground, leaving her with a serious head injury.

Haston, of Carlyle Gardens, appeared in the dock at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last Tuesday, where he pleaded guilty to assaulting Michael Laing and causing Elizabeth Laing to suffer an injury, as well as committing a breach of the peace.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron deferred sentence for social work reports to next month.

Haston pleaded guilty to assaulting Michael Laing by repeatedly striking him on the head and body with a container to his severe injury at The Golf Tavern, Haddington, on August 22, 2022.

He also admitted to conducting himself in a disorderly manner and entering into a fight with another, causing Elizabeth Laing to fall to the ground and strike her head, all to her severe injury, and committing a breach of the peace during the same incident.