Pupils from Rosehill High School in Wallyford secured £3,000 for the Musselburgh-based charity Teapot Trust’s Christmas appeal.

Bobbie McCann, Tapha Seydi and Aiden Jinks, from S3, won the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) project, which is run by the school’s Global Citizenship Faculty.

The project involves young people working together to promote the work of a charity of their choice. They research the charity and produce presentations outlining why they believe their cause to be the most deserving of £3,000 from YPI Scotland.

A judging panel comprised of parents, pupils and members of YPI Scotland then votes on the winning presentation.

Teapot Trust, which is based at Eskmills Park, provides art therapy for young people experiencing chronic illness to support their mental health.

Since it was introduced to Scotland in 2008 by The Wood Foundation, the YPI has engaged more than 310,000 young people, who have taken responsibility for £6.8m of charitable giving.

YPI is described as the “biggest independent initiative” being delivered in Scottish education.

Sarah Randell, chief executive of Teapot Trust, said: “What a delight to receive a phone call from Tapha, Aiden and Bobbie of Rosehill High School excitedly shouting ‘We’ve won!’ into the phone!

“The three S3 pupils made Teapot Trust the focus of their YPI to win £3,000 for the charity.

“This will boost our Christmas appeal and we’ll use the funds to support local East Lothian children living with painful health conditions along their art therapy journey with us.

“Congratulations to the team, their teachers and The Wood Foundation who manage YPI in Scotland. It’s a wonderful initiative, with real-life impact, that instils a philanthropic heart in young people.

“As 27 per cent of school-age children and young people live with painful, invisible, health conditions, it feels important that we connect with local schools to help students understand the realities of it and how they can lend support.”