PUPILS at Longniddry Primary School held a Reindeer Run fundraising event in aid of CHAS (Children's Hospices Across Scotland).

Children decorated reindeer antlers and ran around Longniddry Villa Pavilion park. Pupils brought in donations for CHAS.

P1 pupil Ruari, five, suggested the fundraiser after approaching the school about supporting the charity.

He said ahead of the run: “I am excited to do the Reindeer Run because I love CHAS and I wanted to do something to help!”

Sarah Dannfald, senior community fundraiser at CHAS, said: “CHAS are delighted to have the support of everyone at Longniddry Primary and I was warmly welcomed in to speak to the children about the work that CHAS do before they embarked on their Reindeer Run.

“The children were all so engaged and interested to learn about how their support can impact the lives of other children locally. We really appreciate their support!”

Sheona Skinner, headteacher at Longniddry Primary School, added: “We were very happy to support this great cause and would like to thank everyone for donating money.

"We are particularly proud of Ruari for bringing this idea to us and for confidently using his pupil voice and telling us all about CHAS.”