AN EAST Lothian man who caused a disturbance at a taxi company’s premises has been ordered to pay compensation.

Ryan Sands appeared at Johnny’s Cabs on Market Street, Haddington, and shouted, swore and threatened to throw a brick through the window of the business.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard that Sands had issues with two employees of the taxi firm and was said to have arrived at the premises in an “agitated state” on May 25.

Sands, of Chalybeate, Haddington, was asked to leave the area by the two witnesses and, after police had been alerted to the situation, he was spoken to by officers outside on the street.

The witnesses said that they did not wish to take the incident further and no formal complaint was made by them at the time.

But the officers were forced to return to the taxi firm after Sands had returned and shouted a threat about throwing “a brick through the window” of the business.

The court heard that the two witnesses then “re-engaged with police and made a complaint” and Sands was arrested and charged.

Sands, 42, told officers that the threat was made in the “heat of the moment” and added: “I would never have done it”.

His lawyer told the court that her client was “apologetic” about what had happened and any issues he had with the taxi firm were “now settled”.

Sheriff John Cook told Sands that he must pay each of the complainers £150 in compensation for his behaviour.

Sands pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by repeatedly attending at the premises and shouting, swearing and uttering threats at Johnny’s Cabs on Market Street, Haddington, on May 25.