Mesmerising iridescent clouds filled the county sky this afternoon.

Nacreous clouds, affectionately known as mother of pearl clouds, often take the form of a thin disc shape, complemented by glowing colours which shimmer when the sun shines on them.

The term comes from the old English word for 'Nacre' which means 'mother of pearl'.

They tend to form in very cold and dry weather conditions and are rarely spotted in the UK, but have been seen across East Lothian and other parts of Scotland today.

The Met Office website said about the clouds: "The colours are reminiscent of the colours which reflect from a thin layer of oil on top of the water, an effect known as iridescence.

"Due to their high altitude and the curvature of the Earth's surface, these clouds are lit up by sunlight from below the horizon and reflect it to the ground, shining brightly well before dawn and after dusk."