A COUNTY man made offensive remarks towards police officers and spat inside a police vehicle after he had been arrested.

Jordan Buchan had been apprehended on an allegation that he had been aggressive towards his partner at an address in Niddrie, Edinburgh, on December 22, 2021.

The 33-year-old was arrested and, while being taken to St Leonard’s Police Station, he began acting aggressively and started shouting and swearing at officers.

Buchan, from Musselburgh, then struck out at the inside of the vehicle, causing damage, and was seen to repeatedly spit.

Buchan was cautioned and charged, and he appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court the following day, where he was released on bail with the condition he stay within his home address between 7pm and 7am each night.

He was also told to stay away from the woman and not to go near her home as part of the bail conditions.

But he breached the court order when police officers spotted him at McDonald’s at Fort Kinnaird at about 11.30pm on February 2 last year. He also breached a bail order imposed on April 12 last year when he attempted to contact the woman on May 31 last year.

Buchan appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday, where he pleaded guilty to the charges of behaving aggressively towards the police officers while in the police van and to the two breaches of bail.

He had not guilty pleas accepted to behaving aggressively towards the woman at her home, as well as to two allegations of breaching bail and one of possessing a razor blade with a makeshift handle on February 2 last year.

Sheriff Gillian Sharp deferred sentence on Buchan for social work reports and a restriction of liberty order assessment to be prepared to next month.