I would like to correct some of the misconceptions regarding the proposed extension of Aubigny Sports Centre, Haddington.

To clarify, this extension is not being achieved at the expense of the Loch Centre in Tranent or any other project; these planned works are being funded by Section 75 contributions secured by East Lothian Council.

These Section 75 payments are paid by housebuilders in an effort to offset the impact and demands of housing within Haddington on the public infrastructure, and provide new or enhanced public amenities and services (not general repairs).

READ MORE: Haddington: Sports centre gets extension go-ahead

In this case, contributions were ringfenced for the purpose of enhancing community sporting provision within the Haddington area.

The expansion of the Aubigny Sports Centre is to be welcomed and will allow enjoyleisure, which is a charity, to further develop services in Haddington, including extremely affordable membership schemes.

This in turn increases income for further investment in community health and physical activity offerings.

In terms of the Loch Centre in Tranent, enjoyleisure and East Lothian Council are dedicated to finding a solution to the significant funding needed to secure this facility for the long term and not just offer a short-term outcome.

The objective for all relevant parties, including local elected members, is to extend the lifetime of the centre and, whilst this remains challenging, our commitment to that remains unwavering.

READ MORE: Tranent: ‘Long-term solution’ sought for Loch Centre

Like all enjoyleisure-managed facilities, the Loch Centre is an integral part of the town and surrounding villages and is regarded as the main sporting and leisure hub for Fa’side communities.

We also know the general public value the significant role it plays in supporting many non-sporting community activities.

Civic-managed facilities are vital in helping people to be active, and play a major role in delivering health, well-being and community benefits.

Having announced the expansion of Aubigny, please be assured our focus is to retain the same provision within Tranent and secure the Loch Centre as a fit-for-purpose and affordable mix of community use, swimming, sports hall, gym, health, well-being facilities that is open to all members of the community and remains at the heart of Tranent/Fa’side.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you – like many, enjoyleisure as a not-for-profit charity has experienced difficulties due to lockdown and post-Covid aftermaths.

READ MORE: The Brunton, Loch Centre and Preston Lodge 'will not be lost'

However, we could not survive without the backing of our customers.

Everyone at enjoyleisure cannot thank all our communities enough for their ongoing support, patience and understanding during tough times.

With your enduring help and patronage we will carry on offering an affordable and safe haven for the continuous provision of (very) local healthy living opportunities for many years to come.

Bill Axon

Chief executive
