A TRANENT man who repeatedly spat on a bus company employee has been ordered to attend drug and alcohol counselling sessions.

Christopher Dolan, of Meetinghouse Drive, carried out the assault on Lothian bus driver Peter Bolan.

Dolan also sprayed the driver with an unknown liquid during the incident at the capital’s Clovenstone Drive on October 25, 2021.

The 22-year-old admitted his guilt during a hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court earlier this year and he was back in the dock to be sentenced last Tuesday.

Dolan also had not guilty pleas accepted by the Crown to allegations of stealing medical supplies, headphones and confectionary from Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on October 19, 2021.

Sheriff Chris Dickson sentenced Dolan to a community payback order where he will be supervised by the social work department for 12 months.

Dolan will also have to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and was told as part of the order he must attend drug and alcohol assessments and treatment sessions when required to do so.