FESTIVE cheer will spread throughout Haddington when the town’s Christmas lights are switched on this Sunday.

Entertainment gets under way outside the town’s Corn Exchange at 4.30pm.

Radio Saltire will provide music, and carol singing will be led by Knox Community Gospel Choir.

Youngsters from the town’s secondary school will also perform.

Santa Claus and elves will be in attendance ahead of the lights being switched on at 5pm.

Saturday is the last day for town traders to have their festive shop windows judged for the Haddington Christmas shop window display competition.

Organisers said on social media: “We would like to give a massive massive shoutout to Haddington Roofing & Painting Ltd who not only gave up their time to help put the lights on the tree and lamposts, but gave us access to their cherry picker... free of charge. Thank you guys!”

Meanwhile, Rotary Haddington is organising a visit from Santa Claus in the run up to Christmas, with details to be confirmed over the coming weeks.

To support the project, you can make a donation via rb.gy/13dcos