LETTERS have been sent out to parents and carers urging young people to keep safe during bonfire season.

East Lothian Council is working alongside Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in a bid to curb any anti-social behaviour.

The letter, which urges people to report any anti-social behaviour and also to remove any large objects that could form part of a bonfire, notes: “In previous years we have seen firework-related anti-social behaviour and disorder throughout communities, and we are asking for your help to prevent this occurring again.”

Parents and carers are urged to “not allow your children or young people to be involved in or accompany anyone who is involved in anti-social behaviour or disorder”.

READ MORE: Bonfire Night 2023: List of fireworks displays in East Lothian

The letter, which is signed by each of the organisations, reads: “Unauthorised bonfires and firework displays have resulted in serious harm and injury in the past.

“Policing of Bonfire Night will be robust and we will take immediate action where individuals attempt to prevent or disrupt the work of the emergency services.

“Those who choose to get involved in antisocial behaviour or disorder on or around November 5 may also be subject to prosecution.”