TWO restaurants are teaming up with a Haddington good cause to help people during the festive season who are struggling to make ends meet.

The Waterside Bistro and Mazzoli’s at the Tyneside Tavern are working alongside the Lammermuir Larder, which is based on Mitchell’s Close.

Throughout November, both will donate £1 to the Lammermuir Larder for every food bill issued in their restaurants.

The money will go towards helping meet costs at the constituted community group, which was set up in 2021 to offer support to those in the Haddington area who are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

Diners can make any further donation when they are paying the bill.

Linda Mitchell, vice-chair of the Lammermuir Larder, said: “We are very excited to be working with these fabulous restaurants on this exciting initiative.

"Their generosity is greatly appreciated and will go a long way to help meet the costs of the larder over the coming months.”