A DOG-LOVING teenager has made some pooches happy after raising more than £1,000 for a pet charity.

Amie Ferguson collected money for the Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home at a stall at the Nungate Gala in Haddington this summer.

Proud mum Kelly Cowan was thrilled with the “small fortune” raised, and the mum and daughter have now presented a cheque for £1,035 to the Capital charity.

She said: “Amie was delighted with the amount that she raised and we did not think she would raise as much as we did.

“We had a tombola and then also did a drinks hamper, which she raised money through.”

The 16-year-old, who recently left Knox Academy and previously attended Ross High School in Tranent, has a bond with animals and has set up her own dog-walking business, Who Let The Dugs Out.

Her mum said: “She has a love of dogs and a love of animals; that is her passion.

“She is definitely an animal person.

“She had done the first aid course at the Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home, which she really enjoyed.

“It is a charity really close to our hearts.

“We said to my mum, Beverley Cowan, who is part of the Nungate Gala: ‘Do you think we could do a stall?’ and my mum said absolutely.”

The stall proved popular with everyone in attendance and more than £1,000 was raised.

Kelly and Amie, who has a pug called Buster, visited the charity on Edinburgh’s Seafield Road East to hand over the cheque and were met by a couple of happy dogs as well.

A spokesperson for the Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home told the Courier: “Amie’s donation of more than £1,000 is a tremendous boost to our work of finding loving homes, running a loving home and keeping pets in loving homes.

“It’s heartening to see someone as young as Amie doing such fantastic fundraising and inspiring friends and fellow pupils to support our furry friends.

“Amie should be very proud of her contribution to animal welfare and we’re extremely lucky to count her as one of our supporters.

“A huge thanks to Amie from all her friends at the home, those on two legs and four!”