TWO alleged sexual offences are being investigated by police in Haddington.

A police report highlighted that there had been 286 calls made to police relating to the town from the start of last month until September 28. The figures translated into 73 crimes, which were detailed in a report to the town’s community council earlier this month.

The statistics are broken down into five separate headings, including protecting the most vulnerable.

Listed were allegations of two sexual offences, three assaults, one threatening or abusive behaviour and four bail offences.

Under reducing violence and anti-social behaviour, the report noted: threatening or abusive behaviour (11), vandalism (nine), assault, hinder or obstructing police (seven), assault (six), possession of an offensive weapon (three), bail offences (two) and one culpable or reckless conduct.

Ten alleged thefts were also highlighted, alongside three thefts by shoplifting. Also referenced in the report were cases of theft by housebreaking, the theft of a motor vehicle, fraud and “six other vehicle crimes”.

Police also highlighted a motorist allegedly driving while disqualified and someone in possession of drugs.