COURIER wildlife columnist Zaneta Threlfall was guest speaker at a recent meeting of Musselburgh Probus Club.

She shared an “outstanding and stunning” array of her photographs of wildlife in action around Musselburgh Lagoons, the River Esk, Musselburgh Golf Course and other locations in East Lothian.

Members also heard about the island of Mull, another of her favourite wildlife locations, as well as the Black Isle, where she captures dolphins on camera.

East Lothian Courier: Zaneta Threlfall's photograph of an otter in the wildZaneta Threlfall's photograph of an otter in the wild

The club, which meets at St Michael’s Church Hall on Dalrymple Loan, wished Zaneta well in the British Photography Awards, in which she has been shortlisted in two categories, and also the competition’s People’s Choice.

President Alister Hadden said: “Members certainly thoroughly enjoyed Zaneta’s talk and photo presentation, showing the amazing colours of the wildlife and hearing about the names she has given individually to many of the birds and animals she has photographed regularly.”