Tours enabling locals and visitors to get an insight into a part of North Berwick’s history have been launched by a local group.

North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust (NBEHT) is hosting tours of St Andrew’s Kirk Ports in connection with Scottish Archaeology Month.

St Andrew’s Kirk Ports is a 17th-century church ruin in the town centre, built between 1658 and 1664 and the second incarnation of the town’s kirk, the first situated near the Scottish Seabird Centre.

NBEHT is currently spearheading a plan to restore the church’s former bell-shaped roof and revitalise it for community use.

Three tours of the site have been organised, with the first taking place last Saturday, led by historian Joy Dodd alongside archaeologist and chair of NBEHT, Olwyn Owen.

More than 40 people attended and enjoyed a morning in beautiful sunshine learning about the story of the kirk and its graveyard.

Mrs Dodd said: “The graveyard at St Andrew’s Kirk Ports really tells the story of North Berwick. So many of its famous sons and daughters are buried here, from the Reverend John Blackadder, who was imprisoned on the Bass Rock and died there in 1685, to Johnnie Bowers, the town cryer, and prominent members of the town, such as the Hamilton-Dalrymple family.”

Mrs Dodd carried out a survey of the graveyard many years ago and the tour visitors enjoyed the stories she told of the people buried there.

Afterwards, Ms Owen explained the trust’s plans for the future of the kirk.

The final tour takes place next Thursday (September 21) at 11am, when conservation architect Fraser Bell and Mrs Owen will talk about the project to save the kirk and the conservation challenges.

Entry is free and booking is not necessary.