Musselburgh is to get its first pump track for biking, skateboarding and roller skating.

Following a community consultation, which attracted more than 500 responses, the park area next to the Musselburgh East Community Learning Centre (MECLC), on Haddington Road, has been selected as the preferred location for the new facility.

The track will be similar to the one in Ormiston – East Lothian’s first specialist track for biking and skateboarding. So far, £130,000 has been secured for the Musselburgh project, £80,000 from sportscotland and £50,000 from East Lothian Council. The track can be used by riders of bikes, skateboards, micro-scooters and those with rollerblades or roller skates.

Council officers are working with Musselburgh Monarchs BMX Club to identify additional funding opportunities that could further enhance the new facility.

A council spokesperson said: “Pump tracks are safe, sociable places for the whole family and, as the proposed site is located in the park adjacent to Musselburgh East Community Learning Centre, this track will complement the existing facilities there, making it a destination park with a wider variety of stimulating things for a range of ages to enjoy.

“As part of the partnership approach to developing pump tracks, we intend to organise family and adult cycle rides starting from the pump track as a meeting place, improving the confidence of hesitant cyclists, encouraging and promoting intergenerational exercise and socialising in the fresh air.

“Coaching sessions will encourage more people to have the confidence to get on their bikes and go out and access the local network of cycle paths, including the John Muir Way and local Safe Routes to School networks.

“Studies show that the presence of a pump track can drastically reduce anti-social behaviour such as vandalism and petty crime and gives young people the ideal combination of good exercise, a community to be a part of and a place to focus and develop their skills.”

A spokesperson for Musselburgh Grammar School (MGS) commented: “We are very much in support of the proposed Musselburgh Community Pump Track.

“Not only do we see this being a fantastic opportunity to provide a safe learning ground for young people to enjoy outdoor exercise and to develop their skills such as cycling, scooters, skateboards, roller skates and rollerblades but we believe that this will be a valuable addition to sporting facilities within Musselburgh.

“MGS already runs Bikeability and bike maintenance, as well as outdoor learning, and such a safe and up-to-date space would allow us to expand this programme.”

A spokesperson from Musselburgh Monarchs BMX Club added: “We plan to offer opportunities for young people to train and compete at BMX racing.

“The Monarchs are a well recognised club with a wide age range who cater for both boys and girls, men and women of all ages.

“We regularly take racers to events across the UK and have a number of elite racers in all age categories, some of which recently competed at the UCI [cycling world championships].”

Subject to planning approval and final funding confirmation, the track should be around 150-160 metres in length. The layout will be a single loop concept but with connecting berms, rollers and straights that allow interconnecting lines and transfers.

The new facility would support Musselburgh Monarchs BMX Club’s ambitions to have an enhanced training base for the club, the council spokesperson said. She explained that the track would have a separate race start ramp accommodating a two-rider gate system for training sessions and school events.

The spokesperson added: “A safe, elevated rest, socialising and observation area will also be included in the track design at the start of the track. Turf will be used for a three-metre perimeter around the pump track as well as all interior areas to ensure the track edges are protected and visually in keeping with the rest of MECLC park.

“Wild flowers will be scattered over the turf to create a visually appealing aspect and to encourage biodiversity at the site.”