Members of the public are invited to view the first panel of the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh Tapestry.

The 2.5m x 2m panel, portraying Mary Queen of Scots and her mother, Mary de Guise, is the first completed panel of the tapestry, which will feature another five panels telling the story of the last battle to be fought on Scottish soil between the crowns of Scotland and England.

The tapestry also showcases the rich history of Musselburgh and surrounding areas, with an army of local stitchers having been mobilised to raise awareness of the battle and local history.

The unfinished panel, along with supplementary small embroideries, featured in a successful exhibition at Musselburgh Museum last year.

Now, Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh, is hosting a display of the first completed panel of the battle, which took place on September 10, 1547 on the banks of the River Esk, near Musselburgh.

The last pitched battle between Scotland and England before the Union of the Crowns, it was part of the conflict known as the Rough Wooing, and is considered to have been the first modern battle in the British Isles.

It was a catastrophic defeat for Scotland, which became known as ‘Black Saturday’.

A highly detailed and illustrated English account of the battle and campaign authored by an eyewitness was published in London as propaganda four months after the battle.

The development of the tapestry was led by East Lothian artist Andrew Crummy, who is also behind many other Scottish tapestries, including the Battle of Prestonpans and Great Tapestry of Scotland.

Mr Crummy said: “The Pinkie Cleugh Tapestry actually takes its inspiration from the Marion Hangings, which were sewn by Scotland’s most famous stitcher, Mary Queen of Scots.

“The main large hangings, which measure about two metres by three metres, tell the story of the battle, while the crosses and roundels surrounding a central embroidery tell the stitchers’ own stories about Musselburgh.

“We hope the stitchers, many of whom will be at the launch event, will also be able to tell their own stories of their work on the tapestry and their interpretation of the history surrounding the battle.”

The launch event, which is being attended by the Pinkie Cleugh Battlefield Group and Pinkie Cleugh Tapestry Group members, stitchers and invited guests, will take place at the university next Thursday (August 31), 7-9pm.

An open viewing for members of the public will take place the following day, Friday, September 1, between noon and 4pm, in the Piano Bar in the main academic building of QMU.

Entry to the exhibition is free.