I refer to the article in the East Lothian Courier of June 29 in which you mention a meeting held to discuss the future of St Andrew’s Kirk Ports in North Berwick.

Several other proposals have been made over recent years for this site, including: a car park, tourist trail, dry bar and public footpath from the Lodge Grounds through the graveyard and on towards Kirk Ports.

How disrespectful can it be that I now read with total disbelief that there are now several other proposals being mooted to utilise the kirk and its environs as a place to provide a flexible type of event place including pop-ups, music and open-air events.

How insensitive and shameful can this also be for myself and others who have loved ones buried there, including my great-grandfather John Thorburn, who died in 1913.

John was a local man who for 26 years was the proud coxswain of North Berwick Lifeboat at a time when wooden oars and strong men risked their lives at sea with only this means of propulsion to save others.

John was held in high regard throughout the region and I believe that this is why he was buried within the confines of the kirk with the respect and honour he deserved.

He truly was a local hero of his day long before the gallant and brave lifeboat men and women that follow him with pride today.

I urge the next discussion group to consider one of the two putting greens in North Berwick or the Coo’s Green for their proposals, not only to alleviate the never-ending traffic congestion that exists but also to provide the space they seem to desire for amusement.

Please allow our deceased to rest in peace.