ACADEMIC stress and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on pupils are among the issues being tackled by the new head pupils at Dunbar Grammar School.

Olivia Robbins and Katie-Sue Reece-Heal were elected to the role before the school finished up for the summer.

The S6 pupils will be joined by a team of five deputes, who will each take on a specific role within the school.

Claire Slowther, headteacher, said: “Our students went through a rigorous selection process, including a hustings event and interviews.

“The competition was tough and our students really excelled.

“I am very much looking forward to working with the leadership team.

“They are super motivated, have clear plans for the year and I know they will bring a great deal of enthusiasm and drive to continually improve our school community.”

The new head pupils have already identified a number of issues that they want to target, including academic stress, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on pupils and preparing Dunbar Grammar School students for the future.

Joining Olivia and Katie-Sue are Kirsten Irwin, Ellis Love, Sarah McLuckie, Ebon Parkin and Jessie Smith as deputes.

Kirsten will be leading the prefects with a particular focus on using the system to help support younger students, while Ellis will chair the sixth-year events committee and aims to introduce new initiatives among the school.

Sarah will take charge of the yearbook and hopes to tackle environmental issues within the school, while Ebon will be taking on the role of creating the sixth-year show and wants to be an advocate for the student voice.

Finally, Jessie will be taking on a new role of the equalities ambassador and hopes to educate people on discrimination and mental health.