WE TAKE a look at the stories making headlines in East Lothian 25, 50 and 100 years ago.

25 years ago...

A HISTORIAN and his unusual collection made the front page of the East Lothian Courier on July 10, 1998.

Retired slater Eric Groome has decided to put out the lights... to keep the peace with his wife Vera who has put up with his unusual pastime for many years.

Eric, 78, of Station Road, Haddington, is about to part company with his prized collection of 130 antique lamps, acquired over the past 60 years.

He has transformed their home into an Aladdin’s cave of lamps – and driven his wife up the wall in the process – with every available space taken up with the objects.

“My wife’s footprints are all over the ceiling!” he joked.

“I am clearing the lamps out as there is just not enough room for them.”

Wife Vera, 76, a retired records officer at Roodlands Hospital, said: “We decided recently that the cupboards were so full with the lamps, there was no room for anything else, so some of them had to go.”

50 years ago...

QUEEN Elizabeth II’s visit to Haddington was featured prominently in the East Lothian Courier on July 13, 1973.

Smiling happy despite the overcast skies, the Queen and Prince Philip won their way into the hearts of the crowds of spectators who thronged the streets of Haddington yesterday for the Royal Visit to the County Town.

During their two-hour stay, they were cheered at every point as they toured the recently restored St. Mary’s Church and the Lamp of Lothian Collegiate Buildings.

Earlier at Yellowcraig, the informality that was to be a feature of the entire visit was much in evidence when the Royal visitors met caravanners at the County Council’s award-winning caravan site.

Anticipation mounted among the sun-tanned holiday-makers as the scheduled hour arrived.

and 100 years ago...

‘TOO much liquor’ was the headline in The Haddingtonshire Courier on July 13, 1923.

In the Burgh Court on Monday, before Bailie Main, Francis McGindle, labourer, of no fixed residence, pleaded guilty to having been found in a state of intoxication in Haddington’s Church Street on Sunday.

McGindle stated that he had been drinking on Saturday night, and had some liquor left over.

The magistrate imposed a fine of 10s, with the option of seven days’ imprisonment.

The accused stated that he had only 9s 9d in his possession, and he was told to settle the difference with the police.