WE TAKE a look at the stories making headlines in East Lothian 25, 50 and 100 years ago.

25 years ago...

‘END of an era as raggy jersey school closes’ was the headline in the East Lothian Courier on June 5, 1998.

It was the end of an era in Tranent last Friday when St Joseph’s School, established in the 1820s, and known locally as the ‘raggy jersey school’, finally closed its doors.

The last pupils and teachers bade farewell to the school, which could now become East Lothian’s ‘Centre for Lifelong Learning’.

The building was erected in 1821 after a Tranent man, George Stiell, left provision in his will for a hospital or institute to be built, primarily to benefit Tranent residents.

Born in Tranent, he later moved to Edinburgh where he trained as a builder and blacksmith and made his fortune.

He remained fond of his birthplace and wanted to use some of his money to fund a project which would be of real benefit to locals for many years.


50 years ago...

THE heroic actions of two men saving the lives of a pair of Prestonpans boys were reported in the East Lothian Courier on June 8, 1973.

Two men swam from their motorboat to rescue two boys trapped by the tide off Morrison’s Haven, Prestonpans, on Sunday.

The boys, David Connelly (13) David Grundison (14) of East Loan, Prestonpans, were fishing on rocks 250 yards from the shore when they were cut off by the tide.

The motor-boat came to the rescue and, after trying to manoeuvre the boat as close as possible, the two men, Thomas Flockhart (24), of Douglas Crescent, Longniddry, and John Douglas (24), of North Seton Park, Port Seton, swam over to get the boys.


100 years ago...

A TRAGIC motorbike accident resulted in the death of a county resident, told The Haddingtonshire Courier on June 8, 1923.

Mr G. W. F. Dalrymple, who since July of last year, was studying shorthorn breeding under Captain M’Laren, Saltoun, met with a tragic death on Tuesday of last week.

On the previous Saturday morning, he left Saltoun on his motor cycle to spend the week-end with his mother in Glasgow.

The sad affair took place on the Barry-Monifieth Road, near West Cotside Farm.

Mr Dalrymple was in company with Mr P. Mason, Perth.

The two had visited Dundee on their motor cycles. They left about 20 minutes to 1 to return to Perth.

Mr Dalrymple, who drove a 3½ Norton racing model cycle, was behind Mr Mason.

Through some cause the machines came in contact.

Mr Dalrymple was thrown forward 30 feet on his head and chest.

Mr Dalrymple was very badly injured about the head.

Although he was moved to Barry Camp, he never regained consciousness.