In his letter last week, Harry L Barker questioned my motives in supporting East Lothian Council’s recently approved car parking and related High Street proposals for North Berwick.

In doing so, he selectively quoted from Courier correspondent Gregor Millar’s earlier report on the North Berwick Community Council (NBCC) meeting that took place on May 2.

In response to Mr Barker’s criticisms, and for the benefit of my North Berwick Coastal ward constituents in particular, I wish to clarify my position while commenting also on the adequacy of the NBCC’s response to the council’s proposals.

I have lived in North Berwick for 33 years.

During this time, the town has expanded significantly, with a parallel resurgence in its status as a visitor destination.

Consequently, there is a worsening town centre parking problem which is no longer simply a summer seasonal issue.

Responses to last year’s council consultation, and even MSP Craig Hoy’s less-than-objective survey, confirmed that parking is indeed an issue of concern amongst North Berwick residents.

These conclusions and my own experience of actually living in the centre of the town convinced me that a do-nothing response is not a responsible option.

I also believe that the council’s consultation was professionally conducted and council officers were responsive to constructive submissions.

This is evidenced by the increase in free parking time in the vicinity of West Links to six hours; free parking on Sundays; and measures to deal with campervans on Tantallon Terrace.

The amount of free parking time on the High Street itself was also increased from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

The accusation that NBCC is being ignored is inaccurate.

The reality is that the consultation submission from NBCC was devoid of any constructive comment.

In presenting the submission, the then chair, Judy Lockhart-Hunter, claimed to be speaking for the entire North Berwick community.

As it subsequently turned out, the tone of the submission did not even represent the collective view of NBCC members.

Returning to Mr Barker’s criticisms and to Mr Millar’s report of the NBCC meeting on May 2, I would add that I attended this meeting fully prepared to explain my support for the council’s proposals.

Unfortunately, I was not given a proper opportunity to do so since vice-chair Judy Lockhart-Hunter was more interested in shouting at me than listening.

Councillor Carol McFarlane (Labour)

North Berwick Coastal Ward

East Lothian Council