NINE assaults and six vandalisms were recorded in Dunbar throughout April.

Police provided a breakdown of incidents to Dunbar Community Council.

Officers received a total of 184 calls, which resulted in police recording 38 crimes.

A written report was sent to the community council ahead of the meeting.

The report is broken down into five sections: protecting the most vulnerable; reducing violence and anti-social behaviour; reducing acquisitive crime; improving road safety; and tackling serious and organised crime.

Police recorded: one sexual offence (minor, cyber); one assault on a minor; one communications act offence (domestic); one racial harassment; one bail offence; one case of possession of an offensive weapon; one assault of a retail worker; and one further communications act offence.

Officers also highlighted two frauds; two cyber frauds; two thefts by shoplifting; one housebreaking; one dangerous driving; one careless/inconsiderate driving; one driving under the influence of alcohol; two driving without insurance; one driving without MOT; and two accident offences.